Deploying Phoenix to production using Docker

This is a short tutorial on how we at Recruitee are running Phoenix and other Elixir applications with Docker. On production.

Why would you want to do this?

The main reason for choosing Docker was the unification of deployment. We are using many different technologies ranging from Ruby/Rails, Elixir/Phoenix to Java, Python or even PHP. Simply put, we want to use the best tool for the job, and while we would love to use only a single language/platform (Elixir/BEAM) for everything it just isn’t possible.

With Docker containers we can have a single deployment mechanism no matter what technologies are used inside.

How to Docker in the real world

The Docker’s promise is that with a single Dockerfile you will be able to build a runnable image that you can put straight into production. While this statement is true, the “runnable image” part is not enough. With the standard approach you will end up with huge images containing all compile-time dependencies that are not necessary at all in runtime.

That’s why we decided to use a two-step process - we separate building the app (compiling, making a release) from running it.

The next part takes Elixir as an example, but we apply the same principles to all our images. (For example, the runtime container with JavaScript client app has only compiled code without unnecessary npm dependencies).

Putting Phoenix app inside Docker image

As mentioned before, building a Docker image is a two-step process:

  1. Build phase

    1. Install Erlang
    2. Install Elixir
    3. Run mix deps.get
    4. Run mix release
    5. Save myapp.tar.gz release package
  2. Release phase

    1. Install Erlang
    2. Extract myapp.tar.gz release package from build phase inside container
    3. Done!

Since we use the same process for all our elixir apps, we’ve made a simple package that does all of the above in just a few mix commands - mix_docker.

Introducing mix_docker

mix_docker provides a handful of mix commands to make putting elixir apps inside Docker images as simple and repeatable as possible. It is based on Paul Schoenfelder’s excellent distillery package and alpine-erlang lightweight Docker image.

Here are six steps from zero to a ready Docker image.

1. Add “mix_docker” to mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:mix_docker, "~> 0.2.2"}]

2. Configure image name in config/config.exs:

config :mix_docker, image: "teamon/demo"

3. Initialize release configuration:

mix docker.init

This will run distillery init and create a rel/config.exs file. We do not need to change it - the default values are ready for Docker out of the box.

4. Build the release:


This will create the teamon/demo:build image with demo.tar.gz release package inside.

5. Build the minimal release image:

mix docker.release

This will extract demo.tar.gz and put it in a minimal Docker image ready to be run in production. These images are typically few times smaller than the build ones.

6. Finally we can publish our release image into Docker Hub

mix docker.publish

This will tag the release image with current version based on app version in mix.exs, current git commit count and git sha, e.g. The full image name will be teamon/demo:

There is also a shortcut command mix docker.shipit that will run build, release and publish.

Configuring dockerized applications

Since production releases do not contain Mix, the easiest way to provide runtime configuration is to use ENV variables. The default Docker images provided by mix_docker contain REPLACE_OS_VARS=true, so all you need to do is to prepare config/prod.exs in the following way:

config :demo, Demo.Endpoint,
  server: true,
  # use {:system, var} if library supports it
  http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}],
  # use ${VAR} syntax to replace config on startup
  url: [ host: "${APP_DOMAIN}" ]

config :demo, Demo.Mailer,
  adapter: Bamboo.MailgunAdapter,
  api_key: "${MAILGUN_API_KEY}"

You can read more about runtime configuration in distillery docs.

Remember to rebuild you image after changing the config!

Running the app

Now we are ready to run the app like any other Docker container.

docker run -e PORT=4000 teamon/demo: foreground

Using remote console

Since docker containers are self-contained in order to connect to running node using remote_console you need to exec into running container:

docker exec -it CID /opt/app/bin/demo remote_console

That’s it!

One of the implicit benefits of using ENV variables to configure application in runtime is that we are able to use the exact same image to both staging and production (changing only domains, api keys, etc.) which gives us much more confidence when deploying to production.

In the upcoming post I’ll go through deploying these Docker containers with Rancher and connecting multiple instances into single Erlang cluster.

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